Wilde Grove Branches: bonus stories

Becoming Morghan

Book I

(364 pages, 87 000 words approx)

A new priestess has come to the Grove. One with a long history.

Morghan is 17-years-old and newly come to Wilde Grove, there to be taught the path of the Ancient Way by Selena, the current Lady Of The Grove, and Annwyn, who was Lady before Selena. It’s a new experience for Morghan, but one she seems strangely in tune with, almost as though she has walked this path before.

Centuries before Morghan came to the Grove, Catrin, Priestess of the Deer Mother and Druid, struggles to come to terms with the loss of one whom she loved, and for whose death she feels responsible. When she discovers that her beloved is in danger yet again, in a future lifetime, Catrin is determined not to let the past replay itself. This time, she has a plan, and someone special to help her – Morghan Wilde, new priestess of the Grove.

Becoming Morghan is the first story in the Wilde Grove Branches series – bonus novels exploring our beloved character’s backgrounds.

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Ebook, Paperback, and Audiobook available

Becoming Morghan is available exclusively through my Wych Elm Books shop.